with a recent update I got confused about virtual domains and
mydestination, as they seem to do different things with subdomains
I had following setup:
mydomain = stoecker.eu
myhostname = mail.stoecker.eu
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, $mydomain
virtual_alias_domains = ...a bunch of domains...
virtual_alias_maps = pcre:/etc/postfix/virtual-sub
where the virtual-sub assigns different mail addresses and groups of
addresses to local users (including subdomains of stoecker.eu for each
user). Each target is a local mailbox later delivered with dovecot.
Now I got the Punycode variant of stoecker.eu (xn--stcker-xxa.eu) as well
and wanted to add it to virtual_alias_domains like all the other domains.
It did not work, as the subdomains have been rejected. I only used
subdomains for stoecker.eu before, so I never noticed that there is a
Now I checked the postfix virtual domain documentation and parameter
descriptions and I don't understand it much better. Is that intended
behaviour, that mydestination includes subdomains and
virtual_alias_domains not?
I now added "xn--stcker-xxa.eu" to mydestination and it works as expected
still I'd like to understand what I do.
http://www.dstoecker.eu/ (PGP key available)