On Jan 31, 2016, at 1:28 AM, Robert Schetterer <r...@sys4.de> wrote:

> Am 31.01.2016 um 09:56 schrieb Ron Garret:
>> Hello,
>> What is the usual way to start a milter process?  Can postfix be configured 
>> to spawn it automatically, or does the milter have to be set up as a 
>> separate service?  If the former, how do you do it?
>> Thanks,
>> rg
> milters are usually seperate services

OK, but is there any way to get Postfix to restart a milter if it goes down?  
By default, if a milter goes down, it takes postfix down with it.

Also, why did you hedge with “usually”?  What other possibilities are there?


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