its been a journey the last few weeks and i certainly learned a lot
about postifx and mail delivery in general.
Let me take this oppourtunity to say thank you to all the people on the
mailing list who sacrifice some of their time on a daily basis to help
I am sure it can be really annoying for some people to answer those
questions, especially if they occur repeatedly.
That being said i have of course a new question of my own for you guys
out there. :)
It appears to me, that the tricky part about mailservers lies within the
vast possibilities of defending spam and how to choose the right tool(s)
for a certain scenario.
There is greylisting (postgrey), policyd-weight, postscreen, classical
content filters like spam assassin, anti virus tools like clamav, other
interfaces like amavisd-new
that can be used to filter after queue or even before queue, not to
mention all the relay and access control options of postfix itself and i
probably missed a few others. ^^
Some of these tools share (at least for me) some similarities or even
seem redundant and i honestly don`t know how to pick the right tool(s)
to build a solid defense for my own mailserver.
I know there is probably no definite answer to this cause there are
different tools for different problems and circumstances but as a
general rule of thumb to build a mailserver in 2016, what
anti spam tools can you recommend for my own (private) mailserver.
Is greylisting still something worth considering for general setups? Its
probably a huge debate but the information i gathered on this matter is
pretty controversial.
Isn`t the anti spam effect of greylisting supposed to diminish anyway,
because the more people use it, the less effective it becomes due to the
fact that spammer are at some point forced to adapt to this.
I tried to think about it as good as my limited knowledge allowed me to
and my approach therefor would be to use postscreen in conjunction with
policyd-weight and amavisd-new for after queue content filtering.
Does this sound reasonable to you?
Thank you guys, i appreciate all your anwers. :)