Does this imply an actual list\map?

" and list the valid recipients in relay_recipient_maps"

I am looking to do real-time LDAP lookups.

The only time I get it to work is when using virtual mailbox domains and maps

Not sure what I am missing here.
Relaying is working great via relay domains and maps
LDAP lookups, not so much with that same config
Only with virtual mailbox domains

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Noel Jones
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2016 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: ldap validate

On 1/4/2016 3:37 PM, Gomes, Rich wrote:
> So I should change the config to use relay domains instead of virtual mailbox?

You previously wrote that these domains were defined in relay_domains (which 
they should be).

Don't define domains in more than one address class ie. not in more than one 
*_domains parameter.

List your internal Exchange domains in relay_domains, and list the valid 
recipients in relay_recipient_maps.  Don't list the valid recipients anywhere 

> The idea behind dropping invalid users is that this is by attrition 
> Homegrown applications sending reports to people who haven't worked here in 
> years.
> Better to drop in those cases

You can assign specific bad users to the discard: transport.
# transport table  discard:

Or maybe better, use virtual_alias_maps to redirect the mail to the appropriate 

  -- Noel Jones

> Again, this is an internal server and not receiving from Internet, just 
> receiving from applications.
> Is dropping an option?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Noel Jones
> Sent: Monday, January 04, 2016 4:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: ldap validate
> On 1/4/2016 3:11 PM, Gomes, Rich wrote:
>> Ok, I have LDAP working in stream although still have a few bugs.
>> I found this article:
>> D AP-Authentication-for-Incoming-SMTP-Traffic.html
>> Basically I added these lines
>> virtual_mailbox_domains =,, 
>> virtual_mailbox_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/
>> to where I already  had
>> virtual_alias_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/
>> and it worked.
> That's correct if you're using virtual_mailbox_domains, but not for 
> relay_domains.
>> Is there a way to have Postfix DROP the message if the recipient is invalid? 
>> As opposed to sending an NDR?
> Postfix will reject invalid recipients.  Discarding invalid recipients is a 
> terrible idea.
>   -- Noel Jones

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