On 12/29/2015 11:11 AM, Jaco Lesch wrote:
> Matteo
> You can use a HASH file with
> "check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/network" under
> 'smtpd_recipient_restrictions, have a look at the documentation here:
> http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#smtpd_recipient_restrictions

While you /could/ use a check_client_access map, mynetworks is the
proper place to list clients allowed to relay.

The mynetworks parameter supports all the postfix table types such
as hash: cdb: cidr: and *sql, so you can use whatever table type
best suits your needs. Any of these table types will support (at
least) hundreds of thousands of entries. See the docs for details

Please note that indexed mynetworks tables such as hash:, cdb: *sql
support single IP lookup only, not network lookup.

  -- Noel Jones

> Or maybe  use 'smtpd_relay_restrictions' need to read the
> documentation here.
> Your /etc/postfix/network file will look like this:
> 192.168.1      RELAY        # This will be for the whole class-C block
> 172.16         RELAY        # This will be for the whole class-B block
>    RELAY        # For a single IP
> Of course remember to do a:
> postmap -v /etc/postfix/network
> to convert to a HASH file.
> Regards
> On 29/12/2015 17:30, Matteo Cazzador wrote:
>> Hi, i need to insert many external ip (adsl) in mynetworks file, i
>> need
>> to give openrelay at all this ip's.
>> There is  a more fast solution? There is an alternative to use
>> mynetworks file more fast?
>> Is is possible to use hash file?
>> which is teh content formato of text file to create hash networks
>> table?
>> Thanks

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