90% of global e-mail is SPAM. 91% of targeted attacks start with e-mail.
What is Postfix's share of SPAM? -------------------------------- A recent survey of 2.8M SMTP servers shows the following. - 53% of Postfix servers are black-listed (DNSBL) http://www.mailradar.com/mailstat/mta/Postfix.html - 44% of open relays are Postfix servers http://www.mailradar.com/mailstat/open-relay/ - 35% of Postfix servers are hosted in the USA http://www.mailradar.com/mailstat/mta/Postfix.html Who makes Postfix? ------------------ Wietse Venema IBM T.J. Watson Research P.O. Box 704 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA What is Postfix's share of the SMTP server market? -------------------------------------------------- A recent survey of 2.3M SMTP servers shows the following. #1: 53.25% EXIM #2: 32.64% POSTFIX #3: 6.66% SENDMAIL http://www.securityspace.com/s_survey/data/man.201511/mxsurvey.html What is wrong with Postfix? --------------------------- Suppose you are a school/SME/you-name-it, you want a secure server, and you run Postfix. The following is what you get in your inbox.
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2015 15:6:1
From: paulnoah@
Message-ID: <8038f16fe88ca0b6a66649d005c232e9@localhost.localdomain>
Received: from 1-160-101-156.dynamic.hinet.net ([]:52001 helo=uwtir.com) by seth.lunarpages.com with esmtpsa [...]
Received: from localhost (localhost.localdomain []) by zimbra.baycix.de (Postfix) with ESMTP id E7078416A85 [...]
Received: from [] by omp1062.mail.bf1.yahoo.com with NNFMP;
25 Dec 2015 23:24:21 -0000
Received: from uhosp.example.com ([])
Received: [...] ... Message-ID: [...] <----------- Delivered-To: [...] Received: [...] Received: [...]
To: <y...@your-domain.com> ... Reply-To: <y...@your-domain.com>
There are more examples, and the all reduce to Postfix accepting incoming e-mail whose origin and envelope are not RFC compliant.
In fact, the task of writing PCRE parsers and policies is delegated to the user, that is you, as part of your own configuration (access, helo_access, header_checks, etc). Writing such parsers and policies is highly rewarding: my servers reject 95% of SPAM by rejecting non-RFC-compliant e-mails, without any DNSxL or anti-spam add-on. The task required months of full-time labour. The same task cannot be brought to completion, however. The postfix-users forum would be a good place where to discuss Postfix's problems in detail. However, the same forum is rather focused on self-celebration than active collaboration, where attempts to address SPAM as a problem are scornfully dismissed. Given the above statistics, this is no longer surprising. Postfix is easy on the spammers and hard on the honest. unsubscribe postfix-users