I am using sqlgrey in a box between internet and my exchange server

Sqlgrey put into smtpd_recipient_restrictions the word check_policy_service 

After I am using it I am unable to insert also the word  
If I put it I get 451 4.3.5 server configuration error from postfix in 
composing rcpt to:

I need reject_unverified_recipients because it verify user existence in 
exchange before accepting email
Removing it cause exchange to generate NDR

Is reject_unverified_recipients incompatible with check_policy_service ?
There is a way to solve it ?


Nicola Piazzi
CED - Sistemi
COMET s.p.a.
Via Michelino, 105 - 40127 Bologna - Italia
Tel.  +39 051.6079.293
Cell. +39 328.21.73.470
Web: www.gruppocomet.it<http://www.gruppocomet.it/>
[Descrizione: gc]

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