On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 9:00 AM, Bill Cole <
postfixlists-070...@billmail.scconsult.com> wrote:

> Every DNS SOA should have a RP field that is supposed to be an email
> address (s/@/./) for the Responsible Party who can fix problems in the
> zone. Surely a big responsible company like Microsoft wouldn't get that
> wrong... (or maybe they would)

I emailed the doma...@microsoft.com <domai...@microsoft.com> alias that
appears in the WHOIS and got an auto-response that is clearly intended for
MSFT internal personnel, since it was filled with links to intranet sites.:)

But it also included an alias to an opsimt@ account that claimed to be a
24/7 DNS support alias, so I sent the message there.

No reply yet, but it's been fun to watch my Sidekick alerts pop up every
time it gets opened by someone new there. It's been opened four times in
the past 26 minutes, I presume from being forwarded around.

Let's hope that's a sign that they plan on fixing their SPF record soon, so
those Postscreen warnings will stop. :)


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