On 2015-08-27 10:27, z...@oper.hu wrote:
2015-08-27 10:04 időpontban Koko Wijatmoko ezt írta:
On Thu, 27 Aug 2015 09:53:19 +0200
z...@oper.hu wrote:
Dear All, I would like to realize a postfix setup where: - I have
1 public IP address - at least 2 domains - one postfix instace
After setting up (one) domain alias for the IP I experienced
problem when sending mail. Since I have one IP I could set up only
one PTR record which causes problems when recipient receives mails
from domain which has no PTR (reverse IP lookup results the domain
name which has PTR). My question: could you recommend postfix and
environment setup best parctice for this situation? Any help
appreciated. Regards, Zoli
PTR can only map to 1 IP, one PTR for one IP is enough
even using multiple domain with postfix.
Sure. I suppose too, however I got from a recipeint's reponse:
<x...@yyyy.de>: host mail.zzzz.de[aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd] said:
511-Verification failed for <i...@kkkk.eu> 511-It appears that the
DNS operator for kkkk.eu 511-has installed an invalid MX record with
an IP address 511-instead of a domain name on the right hand side.
511-ICIR11 - sender's domain not valid 511
(http://domain.tld/eee.fff.ggg.hhh) (in reply to RCPT TO command)
The error is clear from the response, your MX records points to an ip
instead of an A record as it should.
Fix your DNS.
It would be very helpful not to obfuscate the domain in question so
people can check themselves.
- c