On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 04:35:59AM -0600, @lbutlr wrote:

> I need to search the logs for outgoing mail that is coming from specific
> users, but I'm having a hard time with this since the to and from are
> logged on separate lines in the log
> Does anyone have a grep solution that would show all the outbound emails
> in the 30 days of logs for a specific user?

        # gunzip -fc $(ls -rt /var/log/maillog*) |
            perl collate |
            perl -ne '
                BEGIN  { $/ = "\n\n"; $match = shift; }
                print if m{\Q$match\E}io;
                ' \
            ": from=<sen...@example.com>"

The collate script is attached.  The above may need minor
adjustments if I've forgotten some detail.

#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;
use warnings;

# Postfix delivery agents
my @agents = qw(discard error lmtp local pipe smtp virtual);

my $instre = qr{(?x)
        \A                      # Absolute line start
        (?:\S+ \s+){3}          # Timestamp, adjust for other time formats
        \S+ \s+                 # Hostname
        (postfix(?:-\S+)?)/     # postfix instance

my $cmdpidre = qr{(?x)
        \G                      # Continue from previous match
        (\S+)\[(\d+)\]:\s+      # command[pid]:

my %smtpd;
my %smtp;
my %transaction;
my $i = 0;
my %seqno;

my %isagent = map { ($_, 1) } @agents;

while (<>) {
        next unless m{$instre}ogc; my $inst = $1;
        next unless m{$cmdpidre}ogc; my $command = $1; my $pid = $2;

        if ($command eq "smtpd") {
                if (m{\Gconnect from }gc) {
                        # Start new log
                        $smtpd{$pid}->{"log"} = $_; next;

                $smtpd{$pid}->{"log"} .= $_;

                if (m{\G(\w+): client=}gc) {
                        # Fresh transaction 
                        my $qid = "$inst/$1";
                        $smtpd{$pid}->{"qid"} = $qid;
                        $transaction{$qid} = $smtpd{$pid}->{"log"};
                        $seqno{$qid} = ++$i;

                my $qid = $smtpd{$pid}->{"qid"};
                $transaction{$qid} .= $_
                        if (defined($qid) && exists $transaction{$qid});
                delete $smtpd{$pid} if (m{\Gdisconnect from}gc);

        if ($command eq "pickup") {
                if (m{\G(\w+): uid=}gc) {
                        my $qid = "$inst/$1";
                        $transaction{$qid} = $_;
                        $seqno{$qid} = ++$i;

        # bounce(8) logs transaction start after cleanup(8) already logged
        # the message-id, so the cleanup log entry may be first
        if ($command eq "cleanup") {
                next unless (m{\G(\w+): }gc);
                my $qid = "$inst/$1";
                $transaction{$qid} .= $_;
                $seqno{$qid} = ++$i if (! exists $seqno{$qid});

        if ($command eq "qmgr") {
                next unless (m{\G(\w+): }gc);
                my $qid = "$inst/$1";
                if (defined($transaction{$qid})) {
                        $transaction{$qid} .= $_;
                        if (m{\Gremoved$}gc) {
                                print delete $transaction{$qid}, "\n";

        # Save pre-delivery messages for smtp(8) and lmtp(8)
        if ($command eq "smtp" || $command eq "lmtp") {
                $smtp{$pid} .= $_;

                if (m{\G(\w+): to=}gc) {
                        my $qid = "$inst/$1";
                        if (defined($transaction{$qid})) {
                                $transaction{$qid} .= $smtp{$pid};
                        delete $smtp{$pid};

        if ($command eq "bounce") {
                if (m{\G(\w+): .*? notification: (\w+)$}gc) {
                        my $qid = "$inst/$1";
                        my $newid = "$inst/$2";
                        if (defined($transaction{$qid})) {
                                $transaction{$qid} .= $_;
                        $transaction{$newid} =
                                $_ . $transaction{$newid};
                        $seqno{$newid} = ++$i if (! exists $seqno{$newid});

        if ($isagent{$command}) {
                if (m{\G(\w+): to=}gc) {
                        my $qid = "$inst/$1";
                        if (defined($transaction{$qid})) {
                                $transaction{$qid} .= $_;

# Dump logs of incomplete transactions.
foreach my $qid (sort {$seqno{$a} <=> $seqno{$b}} keys %transaction) {
    print $transaction{$qid}, "\n";

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