On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 09:24:15PM +0200, DTNX Postmaster wrote:

>   * TLSV1 Cipher Suites:
>       Preferred:                       
>                  RC4-MD5              128 bits
>       Accepted:                        
>                  RC4-SHA              128 bits
>                  RC4-MD5              128 bits
>                  DES-CBC3-SHA         112 bits
>                  DES-CBC-SHA          56 bits
>                  EXP-RC4-MD5          40 bits
>                  EXP-RC2-CBC-MD5      40 bits
> ==
> Out of those four, only one is more than one connection over those 90
> days. That one is in active use, a client for an important customer, and
> it looks like it'll do 'DES-CBC3-SHA' just fine if we disable RC4 for
> outgoing mail.

Sadly, in the same product the DES-CBD3-SHA implementation is
broken.  Once RC4 goes, you'll see post-handshake TLS failures.

> The other seven now have better defaults (one jumped to TLSv1.2 with cipher
> ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384) or will negotiate an AES cipher of some kind if
> RC4 is disabled.

Overall though, if similar attrition is happening elsewhere, perhaps
no RC4 in 2016 is somewhat realistic...

> I suspect that the change to 'LOW' would not even be a blip on the radar
> for most deployments. Push that through, and add a note to the README,

Thanks for the feedback.

> YMMV, etcetera ... moar dataz plz!

Indeed it would be nice to have numbers from more sources.


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