Nick Winn:
please keep on list...
opendkim-2.10.3-1.el6.i686 (inet port 8891)
opendmarc-1.3.1-4.el6.i686 (inet port 8893)
pyspf (2.0.11) (inet port 8892)
and a home grown c binary that samples our mail stream (inet port 21718)
I've tried running postfix with just one and two milters running and
the errors still appear. The errors are sporatic and happen for every
milter installed.
The output of postconf -n is here:
you set many parameter to there defaults. I suggest to check every
single parameter
with "postconf -d $para". If you set explicit a default value,
consider removing the lines.
I guess your problem is "non_smtpd_milters".