On 6/11/2015 5:49 AM, Mick wrote:
> Good morning,
> I have found 'reject_unverified_sender' superb at reducing the
> number of SPAM messages getting though.  I've set up a whitelist for
> those few trusted senders or domains where their dopey mail servers'
> don't comply. I do have a minor problem with mail servers that do
> comply, but apply greylisting.
> Originally I omitted 'address_verify_negative_cache =no' from
> main.cf. This defaults to 'yes' and sender verification failures
> were cached saving a constantly chattering probe relay.
> Unfortunately it would appear that this method also caches temporary
> errors too (those also being a fail), so when I receive a 471 as
> part of a greylisting policy, that message won't be delivered. 
> Postfix will reject when remote server re-attempts to deliver
> relying on its cache from the first attempt rather than sending
> another dummy message. I have now set the negative cache to 'no' 
> meaning a retry for every incoming message that hasn't passed
> address verification. It is either that or adding all domain that
> use greylisting to the whitelist.
> Does anyone know if there's a way to exempt / prevent 471 (or other
> temporary reject codes) from being cached?

The best solution is to not attempt to verify external senders.
Many sites will consider this abuse and blacklist you.

  -- Noel Jones

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