
Am 07.06.2015 um 03:16 schrieb Robert Senger:
> Hi Viktor,
> I don't complain, I just want to know what happens, and if it makes
> sense at all. ;)
> How do you know it's Debian? Yes, it's something between Wheezy and
> Jessie. Is that a known issue with Debian?

it certainly isn't Postfix altering its own configuration automatically.
So it is either something you programmed yourself or something the
OS/distribution dragged in.

If it is the OS, you should probably ask on an OS related mailing list.


> As far as I can see, there's no cron job or something like that that
> could alter Postfix config files. I know that it's a good thing to have
> reverse lookup matching forward lookup matching helo, but besides Sieve
> failing to sort messages into the right folder if sender address alters,
> I've also seen other emails being rejected.
> So, is it okay to leave it like it is, or is it better to find out more
> about what's going on and stop this?
> Cheers,
> Robert
> Am Samstag, den 06.06.2015, 23:05 +0000 schrieb Viktor Dukhovni:
>> On Sat, Jun 06, 2015 at 10:25:10PM +0200, Robert Senger wrote:
>>> Suddenly (whoever did that):
>>> smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Debian/GNU)
>>> myhostname =
>> Complain to your Debian maintainer.

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