
    If it's possible to throttle based on MX record for a domain, I'd
    really appreciate your help.

Hi, Alex. I don't do it that way, but that sounds simpler than the way I
do it! Interested to see what others come up with.

I didn't receive any other responses. Is that because it's not possible to do it in that way, or am I missing something?

I've read practically everything I could possibly find, and haven't found a better way.

    If you have a list of domains that you throttle and would like to
    share them, I'd sure appreciate it.

So SPEAKING of the way I do it, I wrote a blog post back in 2012 about
how I got mine working with all the Yahoo domains (that I could find at
the time).


I believe I actually had already found that, and did indeed use a few bits from it.


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