> Thanks Robert and Koko. Most helpful.
> Can I ask, the “permit” on the end of smtp_recepient_restrictions, who
> or what does that “permit”?

AFAIK it permits everything. The directives are processed in the order
they are listed, so the first one permits authenticated users to send
mail everywhere, then the second one rejects unauthenticated users
sending mail to anywhere but the local domains, and finally the last
directive permits everything, which at this stage means permit
unauthenticated users sending mail to the local domains, which is what
we want (unless it's spam, so I am doing some SPF/DKIM/DMARC filtering
just before the last "permit" directive).


Robert Senger <robert.sen...@microscopium.de>
PGP/GPG Public Key ID: 24E78B5E

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