On 05/20/2015 06:45 PM, Mike McKoy wrote:
> Is this a good situation for using masquerading?


> If not in what situations would one want to use that.

Fixing the envelope sender and/or recipient from broken email clients,
among other things.

The solution to your issue is to just fix your DNS records so that it
satisfies FCRDNS.  I already gave you this link before:

Please read the above page to understand what FCRDNS is and how it
works.  The cliff-notes version, however, is this:

"Your IP address should resolve to $myhostname, which in turn should
resolve back to your IP."

...this is done by adjusting the PTR record for your IP to match
$myhostname, the A (and possibly AAAA) records for the hostname in
$myhostname to point to your IP(s) and the myhostname setting to match
the above as well.  When all three match then this requirement will be
satisfied.  Please note that this has absolutely nothing to do with the
domain name part of the envelope sender address.


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