On 6 May 2015, at 10:20, Steve Jenkins wrote:

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 11:38 AM, Vijay Rajah <m...@rvijay.me> wrote:

There was a missing persons report on a Stanley D Hoeppner. This name no longer appears on the active missing persons list. Hope he is ok. FYI:

That's VERY concerning. He is from Missouri, so I think that is indeed him.
I hope the fact that he's no longer on there doesn't mean the worst...

It would seem that it does not, and that in fact his location is under the capable control of the penal authorities of Los Angeles County California. I found the matching name last week but was dubious that it was him. Feeding suitable search terms to http://app4.lasd.org/iic/ajis_search.cfm (a site that seems to put a captcha on every link) and http://www.lacourt.org reveal that he has a 2nd pretrial hearing about 10 minutes from now.

And that's the last I'll post on Stan Hoeppner. I don't expect we'll be seeing him back here soon.

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