Viktor Dukhovni:

The alternative is to use recipient_bcc_maps instead of always_bcc,
with a per-recipient archive address that encapsulates the original
recipient address.

perfect timing: I just was ask to improve a always_bcc setup :-)
Thanks to André and Viktor!

I now have the following setup:
    recipient_bcc_maps = pcre:${config_directory}/recipient_bcc_maps.pcre

    /(.*)@(.*)/  bccuser+${1}_at_${2}@bcchost
    /(.*)/       bccuser+${1}@bcchost

the first line avoid two @ signs in the bcc address.
-> Is there a better way?

the second line should capture any address without @.
On the other side there shouldn't be any non fqdn addresses in the mail stream !?
-> unsure ...

first line produce backups starting with
    Return-Path: <..>
    X-Original-To: bccuser+user_at_domain@bcchost
    Delivered-To: bccuser+user_at_domain@bcchost

-> X-Original-To == Delivered-To
Is there a way to suppress one of them ?

Are there other comments on such setups?


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