On 3/5/2015 4:13 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Mar 2015, Noel Jones wrote:
>> But since you state the origin is a mail list manager, it's likely
>> the
>> message is stuck in the list manager software and not in postfix.
> Noel,
>   And the MLM will likely keep sending it for a few days. I've
> commented out
> that body_checks rule and hope that clears up the entire issue.
> Many thanks,
> Rich

Sorry, it's not clear if this is *your* list or just some list
you're subscribed to.

If it's some list you're subscribed to, it's just as likely that
there have been multiple messages containing the offending string
over the last several days.

Probably best to just remove the body_checks rule.  Body_checks are
a blunt instrument and should be used sparingly.  Any rule that
isn't 100% reliable (which includes almost all one or two word
rules) should be removed.

  -- Noel Jones

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