
I have configured an outgoing server that relays one domain to a
smtp-host and the rest of the addresses to the internet.

I'm using the transport_maps-option and have no value on relayhost.
The transport-map has the following information:

irf.se    smtp:[mail.irf.se]:XXXXX
*         smtp:

It works well for mail-addresses that exists. However when I send mail
to a non-existing mail address it is only deferred when it should be
rejected. I have checked the log files and it seems that my outgoing
mail server gets the reject code 550 but continues to consider the
non-existing mailaddress as a local mail address and tries to deliver
it locally. When that not succeed it put the mail message into the
deferred queue. The result is that it now continues to try to send
that mail and the sending user gets "Undeliverable"-messages

What configuration should be done to stop local delivery of a message
after the server has gotten code 550 for that message?

/Regards Mats

Mats Luspa
Phone: +46 (0)980 79 022
Institutet för rymdfysik               Fax: +46 (0)980 79 050
Swedish Institute of Space Physics      email: ma...@irf.se
Visiting/Delivery address: Rymdcampus 1, SE-981 92 Kiruna
Postal address: Box 812, SE-981 28 Kiruna
PGP Public Key: http://www.irf.se/~matsl/pgpmatsl.asc

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