On Thu, Dec 04, 2014 at 07:31:42PM +0100, A. Schulze wrote:

> >It appears that a DNS lookup is first made with [ip].[rbl] and
> >than with [ip].[rbl].[mydomain] if no entry has been found.

Postfix explicitly disables "RES_DNSRCH | RES_DEFNAMES" in the
resolver options when doing MX, rbl and other lookups where these
would be inappropriate.  If someone maintaining libresolv or libc
"helpfully" broke the interface, then complain to your OS distribution

> general advice: check your /etc/resolv.conf
> usually there is no need for other lines then "nameserver $NAMESERVER_IP"
> especially check if "searchdomain" is present and needed and should be
> removed.

This advice is not right,  Postfix works (on platforms with a
libresolv that has not been "improved") even when default domains
and search paths are specified in libresolv.


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