Hi ,

I have live mail archival server and now created the backup of the same.

For this I am taking bcc copy from mailserver on which postfix-2.10.0-1.el6.x86_64 running

recipient_bcc_maps = pcre:/etc/postfix/bcc_maps
[root@jayesh ~]# cat  /etc/postfix/bcc_maps

/^(.*)@(.*)$/ $1!$2...@archive.mydomain.com

Above is working fine for me. Now for creating another copy of mail for backup archival server I modified the bcc_maps as follows.
but by this the recipient email id is generating with " "

recipient_bcc_maps = pcre:/etc/postfix/bcc_maps

[root@jayesh ~]# cat  /etc/postfix/bcc_maps
/^(.*)@(.*)$/ $1!$2...@archive.mydomain.com,$1!$2...@archivebkp.mydomain.com <mailto:$1%21$2...@archivebkp.clientdomain.com>

[root@jayesh ~]# mailq
-Queue ID- --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recipient-------
BCC7E5FD6B* 569 Thu Nov 6 16:39:58 mailf...@senderdomain.com <mailto:idcale...@netcore.co.in> *"*netcal5!demo.test....@archive.mydomain.com <mailto:netcal5%21demo.nstest....@archive.clientdomain.com>,netcal5!demo.test.com*"*@archivebkp.mydomain.com

I am getting same result with  pcre & regexp

Can any one suggest the correct pcre / regexp format or workaround solution , so that " " will not come for bcc recipient ?

Jayesh Shinde

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