> On Oct 18, 2014, at 10:30 AM, jason hirsh <hir...@att.net> wrote:
> I get this
> Trying
> Connected to <http://static.eigbox.net/>.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 220 bosimpinc11 bizsmtp ESMTP server ready
> I am getting the original; error message on all mail i end only tot that 
> server

correcting typos should use my glasses

I get the error message that i have in the beginning of this thread on all 
traffic i send to this mail server from mine
>> On Oct 18, 2014, at 10:21 AM, Stephen Satchell <l...@satchell.net 
>> <mailto:l...@satchell.net>> wrote:
>> On 10/18/2014 07:01 AM, jason hirsh wrote:
>>> I have about 8 of these over two days all continue to be retired
>>> I am trying to be pro-active  and was just looking if ether was something i 
>>> may have hosed on my side
>>> although this is the only server I have been having problems 
>>> I really think the issue is with that server but was just looking for 
>>> expert input
>> What happens when you use TELNET to connect to the remote server on port
>> 25?  Perform the test repeatedly from your mail server -- that will help
>> you with clue.  For example, if it takes a long time for TELNET to
>> connect, then you know the remote server may be overloaded.
>> I discovered with, a TACACS daemon with a too-short backlog, that the IP
>> stack in the server will complete the three-part handshake -- then finds
>> it can't pass the connection to the LISTEN socket because the backlog is
>> full.  After the various TCP wait times expire, the stack sends RST and
>> forgets the connection.  The key for making me think this is the
>> scenario is the clause "while receiving the initial servergreeting" in
>> the log message.
>> The remote SMTP server may never have had the connection passed on to it
>> because of high backlog overflow on the remote host.
>> One reason the remote operator doesn't see a problem is because s/he
>> never knows this is happening (no logging of the event) and no other
>> mail server operator has complained to him about this.  I know I would
>> ignore the message when I see it.
>> Are you getting bounce messages on mail being sent to this server?  Are
>> you seeing this happen again and again on the same queued message, or it
>> is happening with different queued mail?

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