On 10/10/2014 10:55 AM, Wietse Venema wrote:
> However with the incompatible changes in 2), I think that a major
> version number change is necessary. This may cause some delays in
> adoption, but I think it is only fair to people who have come to
> expect that upgrading Postfix is a no-brainer, because due to the
> changes in 2), I think is is not a no-brainer.

I think this conclusion solves a number of problems.  Yes, we users will
have to read the documentation cover-to-cover to ensure our
configurations do what we expect them to.  The up side to this is that
people who would have never taken the time to review the upgrades would
never have taken advantage of the new features.

I know this is asking a lot, but do you have in your planned
documentation set a list of changes from Version 2 (in general) to
Version 3?  What I typically do on a major version change is go through
the change document, see if my use of the product is affected, make any
necessary changes, then go through the full doc set to verify that
everything is the way I want it.  But that's me.

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