In message <>, 
Viktor Dukhovni <> wrote:

>On Thu, Oct 09, 2014 at 10:28:52AM -0700, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
>> What happens if in fact the matching rules specified in the access(5)
>> man page resulted in matching _multiple_ things at the same priority/
>> precedence level?  For example, what if I had the following table:
>> domain.tld   PREPEND X-Foo: bar
>> domain.tld   PREPEND X-Bar: for
>Now you're showing a misunderstanding of Postfix tables.  They are
>key->value mappings.

Actually, I *did* (and do) understand that point.  I was just asking
for it to be confirmed, since another poster suggested yielding
multiple values for a single lookup key, which on the face of it made
no sense to me.

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