On Sep 27, 2014, at 10.32, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:

> b...@bitrate.net:
>> On Sep 27, 2014, at 07.48, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:
>>> Use "postconf -d", not "postconf -n". -n is for settings in the
>>> configuration file, -d is for the built-in settings which include
>>> the version, release date, and so on.
>> this reminds me - some time long ago, i happened to notice that
>> config_directory seems to be the lone exception to the postconf
>> -n behavior described in postconf(1).  it's not of much consequence,
>> at least for me, but i was just curious why [presuming it's
>> intentional].
> I suppose your idea is to put the main.cf file in a different
> location, then specify that location in the main.cf file, and not
> create a chicken-and-egg problem.

no, that’s not my idea at all!  :)  i like main.cf right where it is, in 
/etc/postfix/.  i like chickens and eggs too, but only to eat - not in 
programming or system administration.  i was only curious why config_directory 
was included in the output of postconf -n, while postconf(1) seemed to indicate 
it shouldn’t be.  it truly was nothing more than an idle curiosity.  sorry if 
my wording was ambiguous and conveyed the wrong idea.


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