On 8/31/2014 10:33 PM, Adam Courville wrote:
> Okay, I see now that use of the postconf -x myyadayada reveals the actual
> changes.  Perhaps I am not understanding this properly.  My server hostname
> is say mail.internal so right now any mail going out ends up with the from
> field populated as
> user@mail.internal
> which will not fly with most relays.  So I want to use
> mydomain = valid.com
> then set the following
> myhostname=$mydomain
> myorigin=$mydomain
> The postconf -x myhostname now reveals the proper 'myhostname = valid.com',
> which is great.  But, outgoing mail is still reading from field as
> 'user@mail.internal'.  Is this correct behavior that I am just
> misinterpreting as a problem?
> Thanks,

Please don't top-post.

It depends on what's in the mail when it's presented to postfix.
Please review:
and maybe:

If you need more help, please see:

  -- Noel Jones

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