Our outbound servers send out mails through different IPs and this is
doneas follows (postconf -n output:
https://gist.github.com/clement1289/2dfeea7b7625aee4a637 ).
smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions = check_sender_access
pgsql:/etc/postfix/random-transports.cf # which will return FILTER
and master.cf has each of the transports definedas below.
outbound1 unix - - n - - smtp
-o smtp_bind_address=
-o syslog_name=postfix-outbound1
One of a remotedomaindomain.com has 4 MX records with priority 5,10,15
and 20 MX server with priority 10 has some configuration issues and
wasn't accepting the mails.
Though MX with priority 5 is accepting mails normally, our mailq is full
of deferred mails trying to connect to MX server with priority 10
We planned of adding a transport_maps entry "domain.com
smtp:[mx_with_priority_5.mydomain.com]" , but since we use FILTER to
send out mails through different IPs, the transport_maps
wasn'tconsidered during delivery. Why was postfix trying MX with
priority 10? Is there anyway to specify transport_maps to clear the
mails in queue?