Hi, I am trying to use the functionality of sender_dependent_relayhost_maps and smtp_sasl_password_maps, but I run into an issue.
With sender_dependent_relayhost_maps I can configure postfix to use the right relayhosts for different senders. I use this because I have many email accounts, but I want to use only my own email server to send mail from all my different desktop and mobile MUA's. Several of these email accounts have features like domain keys, so my mailserver needs to distribute those mails to the right relayhost for them to get signed. Now of course these relayhosts also require authenticated smtp. So I use smtp_sasl_password_maps to configure the credentials used for the several authenticated smtp accounts that need to be relayed. However, smtp_sasl_password_maps aren't sender dependent, but relayhost dependent. And that's where I run into problems. As long as I only have one sender that needs a certain relayhost, there are no problems. I configure sender_dependent_relayhost_maps for accountA to use relayhostA, and I configure smtp_sasl_password_maps for relayhostA to use credentialsA, easy enough. However, as soon as I have a second account that uses the same relayhost, I run into trouble. I can configure accountB to use relayhostA no problem. But now I can't configure relayhostA to use credentialsB... This relayhost is smart enough to only allow credentialsA for accountA and credentialsB for accountB, so I can't just use credentialsA only. What is the best way to handle this? Thanks, Erik.