Robert Fantini:
> Hello
> Thank you for the response...   And now I know about not editing the queue
> .
> We did try using the virtual_aliases_maps  at the start of  trying to solve
> the issue.   However I could not figure out how to add this address [ I
> tried many ways using '\' before many of the spaces and other characters...
> ]  :
> (host[] said: 550 5.1.1 <CDR =${
> FROM_DID}>: Recipient address

You would need to use a regexp: or pcre: table, escape the
$, {, }, and . characters, and anchor the pattern with ^ and $
just to be safe.

    virtual_alias_maps = pcre:/etc/postfix/virtual.pcre

    /^CDR =\$\{FROM_DID\}@fantinibakery\.com$/

You can't use address with spaces in Postfix lookup tables that are
created with the postmap command, because that command always splits
on the first whitespace character (you could have gotten away with
using the postalias command instead, but I won't go there).


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