
We have been asked to consider using a set of 6 Postfix servers to provide a 
buffer between Exchange and our Compliance Archive servers, as follows:

. Normally Exchange will route directly to the archive servers, but can route 
via Postfix if required.
. If all the archive servers are down for a number of days, then the Postfix 
server will buffer the mails from Exchange.
. This could potentially equate to 1-2 million messages being stored on each 
Postfix server.
. Once the archive servers are back up, then Postfix will be required to 
deliver the email.

What are the pitfalls/recommendations for running Postfix against a large queue 
of > 1 million messages?  I was considering having a number of hold queues 
configured, with scripts to switch hold queues every hour.  A second set of 
scripts would then release the held messages once the archive servers are back 
up.  Is this required/recommended, or can Postfix cope with large queues on its 
own?  Any other good ideas/experience doing this?


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