This email is mostly about understanding what is going on, how
the process works than whether my install of postfix is working
properly or the MUA is lying. In fact, I am using ssmtp to send the
email to postfix because I want to make my test as simple as possible
(avoid "helpful" MUAs adding stuff to the email). So, let's say I
create simple email:

raub@desktop:~$ cat 8bit_test
Subject: 8bit test
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Text with umlauts here


It only has two headers (the From: header is added when I actually
send email) and a single line in the body, which has a few 8bit
characters. I am using ssmtp to send the above email to my postfix

ssmtp -v < 8bit_test

which is setup to do DKIM and announces that supports the following

250 DSN

What I have noticed is that it will fail DKIM, and then will change
the Content-Transfer-Encoding: header to quoted-printable. Now, if I
submit the same email setting

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

it passes DKIM test. So, what is the 8bit encoding here anyway and how
it compared to quoted-printable? From, it seems that
quoted-printable converts the body to something 7bit can deal with (or
at least the MTA will see that header and do the convertion). What
about 8bit? Is it not translated? Or, is it expected to be fed in some
kind of (mime) encoded format (hence the 8bitmime) so the MTA does not
touch it (hence the mime processing controls mentioned in

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