We are the mailbox provider.

Sorry if my knowledge and understanding of Postfix is nowhere near yours.  I am 
still learning, and the only way that happens is to ask questions.  Your 
suggestion of arranging a PCAP file, comparing inbound to outbound is something 
I have never had to do in 12 years of running an email server.  Having never 
done it, I will muddle through somehow.

While my question may have seemed not meaningful, it resulted in a "direction" 
I can take which is what I was seeking.


On Jun 18, 2014, at 10:47 AM, Viktor Dukhovni <postfix-us...@dukhovni.org> 

> On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 10:18:54AM -0500, SH Development wrote:
>> I have a customer that is claiming that their customers are
>> getting emails without the attachments.
> Anecdotal claims are useless.  Some evidence needs to be presented
> that the attachment was removed en-route.
>> I can see in the log that the receiving server has accepted the
>> message, and the message size indicates there is "something"
>> attached.
> Are you a relay in front of the customer's MTA, or the mailbox
> provider?
>> We do have a size limit set of 20MB, but usually when something
>> is too big, it just bounces it, not drop the attachment, so I don't
>> think it's a size issue.
> Postfix has no code to discard attachments.  You'd have to do that
> with a milter or content_filter.
>> Ideas?
> You've not learned how to ask meaningful questions.  Without any
> evidence in the form of logs for and headers of a message that is
> alleged to have lost an attachment en-route, nothing useful can be
> said beyond the observation that Postfix delivers complete messages,
> and does not have any built-in facilities for removing individual
> attachments.
> If the problem is reproducible, arrange to capture a PCAP file of
> an inbound cleartext transmission of the message, or to freeze it
> in the hold queue without any processing by milters or content
> filters.  Then determine whether the attachment is initially present.
> Similarly capture cleartext outbound transmission, or divert outbound
> transmission to an intermediate relay where the output message can
> be compared with the input.
> -- 
>       Viktor.

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