
>> I thought mail would arrive on smtpd where all the milters are
>> called and afterwards the mail would be handed over to cleanup,
>> which does canonical stuff. But it seems I am wrong :)
> While Milters see SMTP commands as they happen, the first Milter
> inspects the message content and makes changes after the entire
> message has been received, then the second Milter inspects the
> content and makes its changes, and so on.
> After the entire message is received by Postfix, the message exists
> only in the Postfix queue file. There is no place where messages
> hang around between smtpd(8) and cleanup(8), and I wasn't
> going to change that for Milters.

Does it mean I can not do canonicalization with Postfix when using milters?

The only solution I see is to forward mail to a second Postfix instance, after 
mail has passed milters. And that second instance would do canonical. But this 
is really complicated just to have postsrsd working. I fear: too much work


-Christian Rößner

[*] sys4 AG

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