>>  Thanks. So my understanding is correct that Postfix gets the hostnames you 

> see in the logs from PTR records?
> Yes.
>>  You are saying that additionally, if the A record for the domain 
> doesn't match the client IP, the PTR will be ignored and thus you'll 
> still get "unknown"?
> No, the A record for whatever name that the PTR returned, as with the
> examples above.

Sorry, that's what I meant by "the domain" -- rather, the host name that the 
PTR lookup gives you.

>>  In my case, my PTR and A records look good, and online tools (mxtoolbox, 
> etc) seem to verify this.  The "dig" command comes back looking good 
> as well. Yet, I keep getting "connect from unknown" (from my server, 
> but others, like email coming from gmail work correctly).  I will have to 
> assume 
> that there is some kind of glitch in the DNS lookups Postfix is doing for my 
> domain/host.
> "connect from unknown" in YOUR logs has nothing to do with YOUR DNS
> entries.  It has to do with the DNS entries for the remote system that's
> connecting to yours.

Again, my language mistakes. I am testing using two separate machines. The 
*client* that is connecting has correct PTR and matching A record for the host 
name that comes back in the PTR (tests run on the server side, using "dig" or 
"host"), but...

Ahh-ha. The host/domain *IS* recognized as expected. My issue was that when 
connecting to a port used for reinjecting externally filtered mail, I get 
"connect from unknown" - presumably because the listener is not doing DNS 

   -o smtpd_peername_lookup=no

Thanks for the pointers, very much appreciate your time

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