On 2013-10-27 3:58 PM, Noel Jones <njo...@megan.vbhcs.org> wrote:
(disclaimer - no BB users left here, so this is based on past
behavior. They could have changed, but I doubt it.)

Yes, BB would fetch all IMAP messages from the company server, then
push them to the client.

Outbound would originate from BB's SMTP servers, with a BB envelope
address and your company From: header (and bypassing any company
outbound policy in the process).

Doesn't seem like a big difference in outcome -- some third party
has access to all your mail. But they promise they won't misuse it.

Yeah... I only ever saw it grabbing *new* messages and pushing them to the client, and there was no way to browse the folder list, or older messages, or anything like that, but if their system has your username and password, then there is absolutely nothing preventing them from doing something devious behind the scenes.

Scary... now that I think about it more, I can't believe I ever actually set any of these up.


Best regards,


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