Hello friends, I used The Book of Postfix (thanks Ralf!) to help configure the 
installation of Postfix for my website. I would like to ask the community to 
examine closely for any flaws or weaknesses in the form I have it now. I have 
two domains: timothylegg.com cherokeenewtestament.org that I collect mail for. 
There will be couple others in the future. I have a username on this machine 
that I log in with, but choose to not have that username be an e-mail address. 
Instead, I use 'tdl' for the first and 'cnt' for the second. For the first 
domain, I may have multiple addresses that I use for different mailing lists 
that end up being sorted into a single file (mbox). All my configuration is 
described in this text file located on my domain. 
http://www.timothylegg.com/postfix.txt&lang=en  Given my configuration, does 
anybody see any exploits or weaknesses? I'm not sure of myself that I have done 
all that I need to. If I am clear here, I'll mo
 ve on towards Dovecot so I can get Squirrelmail working. I welcome your 
thoughts and appreciate your effort. Tim Legg

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