Andre Rodier: > I would like to know how to test the value of a display name, > and if possible, add a BCC header.
Wietse: > > > For instance, emails to "user1 <>" would be bcc'd > > > to "". Is this is possible with postfix? > > > > That would require a plug-in extension. For example a Python Milter > > that gets a copy of each header. At the end of the message it then > > invokes "add recipient" actions as appropriate. I have no example > > at hand. Andre Rodier: > In this case, how easy would it be to rewrite the to address? That would also require a plug-in extension. For example a Python Milter that gets a copy of each header. At the end of the message it then invokes a "delete recipient" action to remove the old recipient, and an "add recipient" action to add the new recipient. I intentionally did not implement every possible feature into Postfix itself. There are other MTAs that do that. However, I can try to come up with some (Python) Milter examples when I have time. Python and Perl are much more suitable for extending Postfix than C. Wietse