Dave Jones:
> Received: from mail02.corp.ena.net (unknown [])
>      by mr11.mail.ena.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id 57C091480688
>      for <redac...@domain.com>; Mon, 16 Sep 2013 16:04:46 -0500 (CDT)

> First, I can't fail to notice that the PTR record for
> says "mail02.corp.ena.net.", but the A record for "mail02.corp.ena.net."
> resolves to Therefore, it is no surprise that Postfix
> uses the name "unknown" instead of "mail02.corp.ena.net".

Dave Jones:
> I fixed the A record to match the PTR (external NAT) and now it's showing
> up properly:
> Received: from mail02.corp.ena.net (mail02.corp.ena.net [])
>  by mr10.mail.ena.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5FA9114806F4
> So there is no way to get Postfix to just show the PTR value in the headers
> without validating anything?

Over my dead body. This name is used for logging and may be used
for access decisions. This is what audit trails and policies rely

Instead, you can put your mail02.corp.ena.net name and address in
/etc/hosts and then the Postfix SMTP daemon will use that (assuming
that your nsswitch.conf host lookups lists files before dns).


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