On 11.09.2013 16:52, Kris Deugau wrote:
Mark Goodge wrote:
It might help if you explained why you want to do this. What particular
problem is being caused by your internal users getting an error message
instead of a bounce?

Some idiot mail clients (*cough*ManyversionsofOutlook*cough*) don't
actually display the SMTP error response to the user, they just pop up a
generic "Wahh!  Can't do that!" error message.

Some users are also quite resistant to actually *reading* the text of
the error (although these users will also have trouble with reading the
bounce message).


On 11.09.2013 15:27, Wietse Venema wrote:
>> Thank you Wietse, that is what I was looking for! So, for now, my
>> problem is solved.
>> Just one more thing: Will this setting have some kind of (big) negative
>> impact? I guess not, but just to be sure...
> Yes. When a client becomes malware infected, it will send spam with
> a false sender address, and Postfix will return some of that spam
> to innocent people.

Can you please explain how is this connected? If client is infected, it can send spam with false sender address no matter if sending to uknown recipients is enabled or disabled, if it has access to smtp (sasl_authenticated, etc.)?

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