>> Thanks for the quick response and sorry for not posting the complete
>> configuration, I thought the linked tutorial would be sufficient.
> You appear to believe that you implemented the cookbook recipe
> correctly. I think that is too optimistic. In my experience, people
> often don't see the difference between what they want to have and
> what they actually have.

I'm seriously confused...
Did I miss something obvious? I just checked again, not seeing
anything relevant (besides from the additional spamassassin arguments
and the changed transport name) different from the original tutorial.
I read some parts of the content_filter documentation where it says

"The "-o content_filter" line causes Postfix to add one content filter
request record to each incoming mail message, with content
"filter:dummy". This record overrides the normal mail routing and
causes mail to be given to the content filter instead."

so I added it ;-)

But the rest of my setups should be quite similar to the original tutorial's.

Could you please point out to me, where you see incorrect changes in
my given configuration snippets?

Nevertheless my question stays: is there a clean way to add
spamassassin before-queue and keep the possibility to use spamd/spamc

Thanks again for your time ;-)


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