Jim is absolutely correct about filtering your invalid emails, though I
personally would
never do it automatically, as there are too many variables to distinguish
ISP's that are subject to change. You could lose a lot of valid subscribers
automated filtering. The bounces that come back to my server are piped to an
email account on the server. I then use a  program to download them manually
<http://www.boogietools.com>  , the program filters and separates them into
categories such as
hard bounces, soft bounces and mail blocks. I then decide which ones to
from my lists, at this present time soft, hard, general, and transient
bounces are
removed. However there is one  automated program I know of here
<https://www.inboxresponse.com>  . You just can't keep sending without
filtering out the bad ones, it will
get you blocked, banned, and blacklisted, so this is a high priority issue.
You should
also make sure that you have reverse dns correctly set up as well as a  spf
You can check your servers  black listings here <http://multirbl.valli.org> 
and you will see if your RDNS is currently set up correctly. You should also
setting up feedback loops with  Hotmail
<http://mail.live.com/mail/troubleshooting.aspx>   and  AOL
<http://postmaster.aol.com/Postmaster.Reputation.php>  . As well as
some of the other suggestions they may have individually. With AOL you can
apply for
whitelisting after you have a feedback loop in place. With Hotmail, there is
a  feedback loop
an account with  Smart Network Data Services
<https://postmaster.live.com/snds/index.aspx>  ,  Return Path
<http://www.returnpath.net>  , which are free. You will
need a hotmail email account for the SMDS. The bulk sender contact form for 
Gmail is here <https://support.google.com/mail/contact/bulk_send>  . You can
contact  Yahoo here
<http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/postmaster/bulkv2.html>  , but that
requires a yahoo account, you must
be signed into your account when using this form, otherwise nothing will
happen. Also check out
SPF vs Sender ID <http://www.openspf.org/SPF_vs_Sender_ID>   Other than
welcome to an ongoing headache!

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