I've had a long-running problem with messages sent from comcast.net
addresses bouncing back to the sender.  I thought this could be due to
the postscreen deep protocol checks I use with postfix-2.11_pre*, but
I added the following to main.cf on August 15th and yesterday I
received a message from someone with a comcast.net address who says
their email bounced:

postscreen_dnsbl_sites = zen.spamhaus.org list.dnswl.org*-1
postscreen_dnsbl_whitelist_threshold = -1

I grep'ed my mail logs for his address and found only this:

Aug 18 * 450 4.3.2 Service currently unavailable

I've searched my inbox and trash and I do not see his message so I
don't think Comcast retried.

I do have one of these bounced messages that was forwarded to me about
9 weeks ago but there is no indication of what the problem was.
Besides headers, the message includes no more information than this:

SUBJECT: Delivery status notification
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
Delivery to the following recipients was aborted after 7 second(s):

- Grant

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