On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 09:37:19AM -0700, motty cruz wrote: > Hello, users in my domain are getting lots of spam emails from facebook > such as this update+zj4o40c2_...@facebookmail.com > > Received: from facebook.com (unknown []) > by spamfilter.domain.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id CBE9B4562E5; > Mon, 29 Jul 2013 08:25:32 -0700 (PDT)
Note, this is not actually from facebook, the mail is a forgery and may be a phishing scam. %rwhois V-1.5:003eff:00 rwhois.cbeyond.net (by Network Solutions, Inc. V- network:Class-Name:network network:ID:NET-173-200-0-0-1 network:Auth-Area: network:Network-Name:CBEY- network:IP-Network: network:IP-Network-Block: - network:Org-Name:American Building Restoration Inc network:Street-Address:7371 Lockport Place Suite K network:City:Lorton network:State:VA network:Postal-Code:22079 network:Country-Code:US network:Tech-Contact;I:ip-ad...@cbeyond.net network:Admin-Contact;I:ip-ad...@cbeyond.net network:Abuse-Contact;I:ab...@cbeyond.net network:Created:09/15/2009 network:Updated:20130726 network:Updated-By:ip-ad...@cbeyond.net If none of the RBLs list this and lots of similar sources, you need a spam content filter or milter that does. -- Viktor.