Apararently, my previous reply has been lost. I resend.

On 2013-06-12 14:40, Wietse Venema wrote:
> Carlos E. R.:

> Does the machine have a network interface with IP address

Dunno. I guess not, because it is not listed in ifconfig output.
However, they tell me that any address in the entire 127 range is valid,
no need to explicitly create the interface.

> If such an interface does not exist, then it must not be specified
> in inet_interfaces.
> BTW the Postfix built-in default inet_interfaces settting is:
>       inet_interfaces = all
> You might give that a try. It works for everyone else.

Yes, that works. And removing the entry also works, which is
what I do.

> If your distributor changes this and introduces a problem, then
> that is your distributor's problem.

openSUSE default appears to be:

inet_interfaces = localhost

which should be changed by YaST mail module, when "accept remote SMTP
connection" is ticked.

Let me rephrase this.

If I set «inet_interfaces = all», postfix will work with all the
available interfaces, whatever they are. If I set «inet_interfaces =
$myhostname, localhost», then localhost must translate to an existing
interface(s). And is not a valid interface because... why?

That's the part I'm missing. Maybe because it is not listed here:

Telcontar:~ # ifconfig | grep 127
          inet addr:  Mask:
Telcontar:~ #

is that it?

Cheers / Saludos,

                Carlos E. R.
                (from 12.3 x86_64 "Dartmouth" at Telcontar)

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