Hi all, Hopefully I can explain this good enough for someone to understand and perhaps even suggest a solution.
Our email system is built from a LDAP directory that contains all the necessary information about our users. A box receives mail from the MX's and routes it according to the information in the directory. If the mail is for a user present in the directory it gets delivered to the mail server, if it is for an external address it is delivered to the outgoing box etc., everything dandy. Now we face a setup where we have users present in the same tree as our normal mail users, but with addresses external to us. They must have the "mail" attribute that we normally use for delivery to our mail server. We cannot separate them to a different tree because it is actually a mix of internal and external users for a different purpose than mail routing. So far we have not been able to (at least not a Friday afternoon) figure out how to make the mail router understand that mail for a specific address/domain should *not* be delivered as usual but relayed directly to outgoing even if this email address is present in the directory. The LDAP query is very simple: query_filter = (&(accountStatus=Active)(|(mail=%s)(mailalternateaddress=%s))) result_filter = %u@mail.server result_attribute = uid scope = sub This together with a transport map that directs * to outgoing is all there is. I was hoping for a relatively simple way to fix this, so far I only dreamed up rather complicated scenarios... Thanks for reading, //per PS. I had some trouble posting: "BOUNCE postfix-users@postfix.org: Admin request: /^subject:\s*help\b/i" The word 'help' is not allowed? DS. -- BSDLabs AB Registered in Solna, Sweden