
>From your mail it seems you desire a backend that can handle all that, you
should be able to setup postfix to retrieve its users from AD.


Kind regards/met vriendelijke groet,

Serge Fonville


Convince Microsoft!
They need to add TRUNCATE PARTITION in SQL Server

2013/5/21 Greg Deward <greg.dew...@gmail.com>

> NEWBIE WARNING:  I have never used Postfix and am not a Linux guru.
>  Please be gentile.
> Is there an existing .NET library (DLL, etc.) for controlling Postfix?  If
> not, is there an existing API for applications that are NOT running on the
> same server as Postfix?  More specifically, I have a need for creating
> users, deleting users, changing passwords, and the like.  I have been
> tasked with implementing an Ubuntu mail server and tying it into our custom
> ERP application (written in ASP.NET MVC and running on Windows).  The
> goal is to be able to dynamically create user accounts, leverage them for a
> period of time, and then shut them down when a project is finished.
> Thank you, in advance, for any assistance you may provide.
> - G. Deward

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