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On Fri, May 03, 2013 at 06:27:15PM -0600, Robert Lopez wrote:
> I had
> postscreen_dnsbl_sites = <the-key-to-hide>

This is right.

> and
> postscreen_dnsbl_reply_map = texthash:/etc/postfix/dnsbl_reply
> in
> and I had
> <the-authorization-key-was-here>

"net" != "org". This would never match.

You probably want to rewrite that to "" without the 
"dq" domain component. That's what non-subscribers use.

> How can I prove to myself the spamhaus list actually being used
> now as opposed to being not used because of configuration? provides a testing service. Or, maybe 
you're using a home Internet connection which is listed on PBL. If 
your port 25 is not blocked by the ISP, you could test from home.
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