It's true I don't have your experience as you are the postfix coders.

But it's also true you don't know what can be my expericence.

Considering your political answers since the beginning, embarassing for who? 
You're right that's enough. I'm going to answer you in private.

Envoyé de mon iPad

Le 24 avr. 2013 à 20:00, Wietse Venema <> a écrit :

> Nicolas HAHN:
>> The "archietcture" is not a good excuse for me, I'm sorry. As a
>> coder, allowing a software to start despite the fact there is a
>> FATAL is a total non-sens. And saying finally that is just a daemon
>> which will not run but the others will, I really don't know how
>> to take it...
> OK, before things get even more embarassing, maybe you should come
> back when you have some experience with a multi-programmed system
> of 200k lines of code scattered over 40 different programs.
> Let's not waste more time debating this.
>    Wietse

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